
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

1. Having to do with an alloplast or the placement of an implant.
2. Relating to adaptation achieved by altering the external environment.
allopsychic (adjective)
Related to, or referring to, the mental processes and their relationships to the outside world or the external environment: "Rosetta made allopsychic adjustments regarding her new roommate at the university."
Characterized by allorhythmia.
allosematic (adjective), more allosematic, most allosematic
A reference to coloration or markings that imitate warning patterns of other typically noxious or dangerous organisms.
allotrophic (adjective)
1. A reference to obtaining nourishment from another organism or organisms.
2. Having an altered nutritive value so as to become less nutritious.
3. Referring to the influx of nutrients into a body of water or ecosystem from outside.
1. Referring to the mutual attraction of cells, especially gametes.
2. The condition of a flower having a plentiful supply of readily available nectar.
3. The existence of the same population or species in different habitats.
4. In psychiatry, characterizing a person who is preoccupied with what "other people" think, mean, or do.
1. Of, or relating to, the presence of a foreign agent.
2. Caused by a strange, or foreign, material.
1. Related to, or characteristic of alloxuria.
2. Any agent or condition that increases the excretion of purine (colorless crystalline nitrogen) bases in the urine.
Illogical; unreasonable, inconsiderate.
A reference to the loss of hair or wool or feathers.
Inducing or causing amblyopia.
A reference to an impairment of vision in an eye that is not caused by structural damage or a physical defect.
Pertaining to, referring to, or of the nature of an ameba.
amicrobic (adjective), more amicrobic, most amicrobic
Not related to nor caused by microorganisms; such as, bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and protozoa: The medical laboratory determined that Devin's amicrobic illness was not a result of any known single-celled organisms.
amicroscopic (adjective), more amicroscopic, most amicroscopic
A reference to something that is too small to be seen through a microscope: The biologist was unable to see the amicroscopic bacteria even with a normal microscope; however, he could see them with a much more powerful microscope later.